Thursday, November 13, 2008

[ Good Eyeshadow Colour Selection ]

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Eyeshadow colour plak?[ahaks]:DWhoaa..saye da mcm seorg jurumekap amatur plaks.Bknnye reti sgt pon..sijil/dip pon takde.haha.Takpela..kate Sharing is Caring[wekk]..sepbaek saye BKN seorg yg kedekut ilmu ok??hehe.Ok..actly kan..the choice of eyeshadow sbnarnye bole enhance the colour of our iris.tak kesahla samade nak soften/intensify our regard with sheer matte ataupon rich shimmery textures.tapi kalo saye..lagik prefer transform the shape of my eyes with shading and highlighting[cam cun jek rase].But it depends la.Thats why kite kene pandai pilih the colour.

D sebabkan Aleysha nak pegi dinner..i suggest she SHOULD experimenting with various shades in bold colours.makne nye,she can used the collection of eyeshadows in different shades n textures to match her outfit, regardless of her iris colour.barula match the makeup n the outfit.takdela tak Alesyha?? :P

So,ape yg she kene bwat is that she need to choose the eyeshadow colour tuk a sophisticated bright eyed-look ok??bukan summer-party makeup/a festive youthful look.lagipon..kenela kene ngan umo jgak[umo pon da 25,takkan nak cm bbudak]haha.So..utk that bright eyed-look makeup,she kene note the colour of her accessory/secondary colour of her attire.then baru choose the three eyeshadows of the same hue in differing brightness.contohnye la kan..she may use neutral green as a base colour; very light green as a highlight colour; and dark forest-green as a contour colour[sebab she ckp her dress was GREEN]
Then..utk finishing..she need to put on some coloured shimmer added to the eyeshadow sebab it gives very rich, iridescent appearance that will makes her eyes look irresistibly sparkly n sexy. Fine glitter cun jgak sbnarnye sebab it will makes eyes look shinier.[hehe] tapi..if you wear contact lenses,d sarankan agar avoid those glittery eyeshadow sebab the particles can end up inside your eyes.kang tak pepasal bute plak :mati:tapi..another glittery makeup macam eye pencil may be safer utk d pakai..[eheh]

Ok..tu jekk..penat da saye menaip.Nak balik ok??pape pon..SLAMAT MENCUBE

x O x O