Monday, August 31, 2009

* Crazy Cuzzy *

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Haha...i will laughed out loud when i saw this video..hahaha..crazy cuzzy!!!

x O x O

[ Bad Day ]

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uhukk..suddenly i had a fever again..its all started yesterday.rase laen macam jek..n yes..saye demam arini..but whatever it is..saye sangat happy sebab saye dapat makan all those nyummy foods.:makan:ok..i havto do a lot of things.saye kene basuh baju..pack all my stuffs sbbnye karang saye da nak blk nye.bole tak if saye tak balik?i wanted to get an bile pk jek last week saye dapat MC.huu..what a life!!!okay..those pics below was taken during the 2 event at my college last week..

x O x O

Saturday, August 29, 2009

[ Sss501 vs Big Bang?? ]

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i started to listen to SSS5o1 songs!they were great..but it doesn't mean saye da tak suke BIG BANG..they still my number 1..ahaks..!
now i realize..knape la sume korean guys tomei-tomei cam BIG BANG+SSS501 yeh??hee..or does it mean saye ni yg smemang nye adore chinese-looked guys??ahaks!!

{ Come-Back }

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its been a VERY long hush ever [i guess]..ever since my pc bwat entries sume had been blocked. n now i started to drop a new entry back [yahoo!]..:vacation1:i'm in penang right now..gawdd..HOME SWEET HOME..saye sgt excited nak balik to my hometown as i'd been missing my family+crib so damn much.
btw..since a few months ago..lots of things happened..goods and bads.. but one thing yg best..saye jumpe sgt sbb kbetulan saye kene teman him for his convocation..sweet time!!sebabnye..kitorg dapat spend time ssame..

n latest things that happened..saye baru jek pegi interview kat putrajaya for PPPT [DH41] post.tak tau la dapat ke tak..if dapat..rezeki la gamaknye..[aminn]doakan supaye saye dapat k?tapi saye tak mharap sgt.hee..

x O x O