Saturday, January 08, 2011

Encek Daniel Off to Terengganu

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I love hate this feelings!!saye baru tau yang Encek Daniel tpakse pegi ke Terengganu tonight [uhukk] seriously,i was so damn surprised with the news!yela..all of the sudden he has to go to was an order from his principal.adehh..~tpakse die tolong one of the cekgu kat sekolah tu as her dad just passed away..
saye bukannye kesah sangat pon..its just that..a bit worry i guess..[huu] my apek dahla agak terok on the road when it comes to the night time [rabun tahap cipan!] n i can imagined Encek Daniel keep on rubbing his eyes yang ber'lens itew..huu..
To my Encek Daniel..
i hope that u'll arrive safely..and smoge awak selamat doa will always be with u,darl..

**I keep on calling him..but there's no answer =| He always did this to me!! =(