Monday, August 15, 2011

Bonus = Savings = Blog Design

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kejap jek da hari ke-15 kite b'puase.tak sangke kejap jek mase b'lalu.seda-seda dah masok hari 2 weeks time jek lagi kite akan beraye [weehuu!!] anyway..arini rase happy sangat.mane taknye BONUS dah masok kot [gile tak happy??] walaupon dapat RM800 jekk..but am still happy.daripade takde..[alhamdulillah].hmm..i decide not to use that money.akan ku sumbangkan ke my savings account [haha] smoge betambah-tambah cucu cicit $$$ itu supaye senang sket nak kawen taun depan.

kang ade jugak kenduri kawen ade canopy jek.then sume makan kat atas lantai [haha] i guess this year i have to sacrifice a LOT.control myself! tak bole shopping menggile or waste my money ssuke ati.tapi kan..saye rase this year memang saye agak kurang spent my money.i used to spent on fuel n beli groceries, plus belanje my family jek.ok la tu kan? walaupon kekadang terase over spent sesangat. saye kene calculate balik my monthly expenditure so that still every month saye dapat 'sedekahkan' ke saving account saye [huahuaa]

hmm..baru jek cakap nak savings kan?tapi kenape saye tetibe excited nak tuka my blog design ni.n since pagi tadik i browsed a few blogs that offers some blog designs.hmm..tak tau nak pilih yang mane satu.n hopefully if dapat tuka my blog design yang sekarang least bsemangat sket nak b'blogging kan? [cett cam poyo jek ayat] padahal..dah tau diri tu akan busy jekk.hmm..WHATEVERR!! saye still nak..[hahaha]