Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How To Tell if Your Guy Fears Commitment

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I found this interesting topic from one of my faveret channel.I just love it! and thanks for making me speechless [hahaha]
 Here it goes, girls..
1.  What does a guy mean when he says, “I need space?”
2.  What should we do when he asks for it?

Anyway..this is just a common male pulling-back behaviour in relationships.but its not normal when 'it' happen to be no changes.the only answer is : COMMITMENT
There are some men who are not capable of getting over their fear of commitment, and will use phrases like, “I need some time to myself,” “Let’s take a break,” or the classic, “I need some space” not to buy themselves some time to workthrough their issues but to keep you at arm’s length.
A guy like this has zero intentions of getting serious with you, taking your relationship to the next level, becoming exclusive, or marrying you.
He knows he wants you in his life, he doesn’t want to lose you, yet he is incapable of meeting your need for a committed relationship.When he senses that you’re itching for some reassurance that he’s not going anywhere, he plays the “space” card to avoid heavy conversations or promises. Once he’s scared you enough, he’ll come back, knowing at that point you’re justrelieved he didn’t break up with you, and you won’t press him on a commitment again…at least for a while.

So how do you know if your man is just going through normal guy fears, or if he’s genuinely incapable of commitment?
  • If the pull-back happens in the first few months of your relationship, and after you cheerfully give him space he comes back, willing and eager to make a commitment, it was just normal guy fears.
  • If he does not initiate the “let’s be exclusive” conversation within the first 6 months (and shoots you down if you bring it up first), he’s probably not capable of getting serious.
  • If he pushes and pulls you back multiple times, especially after you’ve been together 6 months or more, he’s got major commitment issues.
  • If he does agree to a commitment, or talks of future plans like marriage, and then takes back his promises and tries to downgrade your relationship to a less-serious level, he is definitely a Commitment-Phobe.

What should you do if you’re dating a commitment-phobic guy?
Give him exactly what he’s asking for: All the space in the world.
Let him know, in a kind but firm tone, that you’ve enjoyed dating him but you’re looking for a more serious commitment. Describe what that looks like to you (marriage, a family, etc).This is not an ultimatum or a threat, this is simply you letting him know what you want from a relationship. Then tell him that, since there is no commitment between the two of you, you are going to date other men. If he changes his mind and decides he wants more than casual dating, he’s welcome to get in touch with you, and you’ll let him know if you’re still interested.

Chances are, though, you’ll have moved on to someone who is honored to plan a future with you, leaving Mr. Commitment-Phobe lost in space.

p/s : hmm..after all..those memang make sense to me.macam logik kott + obviously macam ade kene mengena sket with my relationship [ahaks!] anyway,which one of it represents 'him'?but then what should i do??? you know what you should do, Jiyna ..